Thursday, November 17, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011


091311 edit - OMG. I shamelessly made this blog so that i could transport these bullying pictures (see first post) of my workmates to my computer desktop. And yes, i successfully spread these pictures throughout our company's system, like a virus, amidst the firewalls and other techy stuffs. ( thanks to my ever dependable proxy server ) yeeheey.

waaaaaaaaay back, i really thought of blogging as a glorified way of wasting time.
 until a few weeks ago i came across a small giveaway contest by ms. tirona; i said, well yeah, why dont i give this a try, i just need to put my name, like this and that, and viola, before i knew it, i was checking her site regularly and visiting other blogsites as well. and lemme just mention, i won a nice top from Ms. T.
so i admit, yes, yes, tis 2011, and i just recently discovered the bliss of blogging.

so forgive me <ummphhh argghhh nevermind> , and this 3 paragraph excuse for making two horrible useless uninteresting post right here ↓...
i shall make a tasty web destination for you soon.

PS: i think im getting the hang of blogging. it's the same as talking to yourself ( which i often do - autistic) in the middle of a telepath crowd.
Gosh, you're reading my mind right now.
This is fun.
Oh, you're still reading this? Im very sorry, i promise the next post will be worth your while.
Nonetheless, thank you for reading my mind, psycho.
Talk to you soon.

------------------------ THE BLAH-est POST in the ENTIRE WORLD WIDE WEB---------------------